Understanding the Monitoring System of the New OGAT
Le gouvernement québécois crée pour la première au pays un système de monitorage pour évaluer l’efficacité des investissements en aménagement du territoire et tout le monde est concerné!
Real estate investment is a serious commitment. A bad investment can derail your finances for years, potentially leading to total loss. Taking just 2 minutes to check your home’s true value with our home value estimator is essential to mitigate the risk.
For real estate investors, a bad investment can be devastating, and the risks are escalating with climate change.
Insurers are pulling out of high-risk areas—from Florida and Los Angeles to even parts of France—leaving property owners to shoulder the burden of costly repairs.
Our home value estimator empowers you to mitigate risk in your real estate investments: Is the property in a floodplain? Has it been affected by past landslides? Is it located on contaminated land?
In just 30 seconds, you can mitigate the risk by uncovering the historical risk profile of a property and, going beyond aesthetics, understanding its true value.
When hunting for investment properties, due diligence expenses (travel, inspections, appraisals, and more) can quickly add up as you explore multiple options, easily reaching thousands of dollars before you even know a property’s true return.
Avoid these costly upfront expenses by quickly using our home value estimator. Our technology enables you to instantly determine market-rate rent, understand the surrounding demographics, and project its appreciation potential in the years ahead.
Our home value estimator saves valuable time on site visits, inspections, and other expert fees by accurately gauging a property’s potential value from the outset.
Estimate your real estate rental income and get a property value estimation.
Avoid at-risk areas like floodplains and thus save tens of thousands of dollars in repair costs or, worse, lose the entire real estate value of your house
Save on due diligence fees by carrying out initial assessments early on.
Le gouvernement québécois crée pour la première au pays un système de monitorage pour évaluer l’efficacité des investissements en aménagement du territoire et tout le monde est concerné!
Checking the value of a property and its past values is essential for a real estate investor.
As of the date of publication of this article, in 5 years, 1 in 4 people in Quebec will be over 65 years old. This poses a triple challenge: extending the duration of autonomy of these elderly people, guaranteeing them good health and not letting them sink into loneliness.
Évaluez la valeur réelle de votre projet immobilier.
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